October 10, 2005

Rockstar\'s Bully Comes Under Fire from Petition

Just like Eidos\' 25 to Life, Rockstar\'s upcoming video game Bully isn\'t expected to hit the market for many months and yet there\'s already plenty of controversy surrounding it. Now a parent of a teen who committed suicide after being bullied has started a petition to protest the release of the title. Although Bully is not yet rated by the ESRB, there\'s a strong chance it will receive an \"M\" rating. Despite this, parents and those in academia are concerned about the effects the game may have on those kids that do end up playing it. \"We know that in terms of school violence and school shootings in particular, one of the main factors that contributed to the school violence was bullying,\" added Debra Hernandez Jozefowicz-Simbeni, an assistant professor at Wayne State University \'s School of Social Work in Detroit . \"We know that media has an effect on kids across the board.\"

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